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Setup a new host on macOS

This guide will walk you through setting up hostd on macOS. At the end of this guide, you should have the following:

  • Installed Sia hostd software

  • Created a hostd wallet


To ensure you will not run into any issues with running hostd it is recommended your system meets the following requirements:

  • Network Access: hostd needs a stable internet connection and open network access in order to store and retrieve data on the Sia network. You will also need to forward the ports 9981-9983 so hostd can properly communicate with the network and renters.

  • Operating System Compatibility: hostd is supported on the following macOS versions:

    • macOS 12: Monterey (Star)

    • macOS 13: Ventura (Rome)

    • macOS 14: Sonoma (Sunburst)

  • System Updates: Ensure that your macOS version is up to date with the latest system updates. These updates can contain important security fixes and improvements.

  • Hardware Requirements: A stable setup that meets the following specifications is recommended. Not meeting these requirements may result in preventing slabs from uploading and can lead to a loss of data.

    • A quad-core CPU

    • 8GB of RAM

    • An SSD with at least 128GB of free space.

  • Software Requirements: Before installing hostd, you will need to install the Homebrew package manager. This will allow you to install and upgrade hostd easily.

Installing hostd

Press CMD + Space to open Spotlight search and open a terminal.

Before you install hostd, make sure you have the Homebrew package manager installed.

Once the Terminal loads, use brew to install hostd:

brew install siafoundation/sia/hostd

To confirm hostd has been installed, run the following:

hostd version

Configuring hostd

Now that you have hostd installed, you will need to create a seed phrase and admin password. To launch the built-in configuration wizard, run the following:

mkdir "$HOME/Library/Application Support/hostd"
cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support/hostd"
hostd config

When the configuration wizard loads, you will be asked to verify the location of your data directory. If you would like to change this, you can do so now. Otherwise, type no to keep the default.

Next, you will be asked to enter a seed phrase. If you already have one that you would like to use, you can enter it now. Otherwise, you can type seed to generate a new one. For the purpose of this guide, we will generate a new seed.

Next, you will be prompted to enter an admin password. This is used to unlock the hostd web UI.

Finally, you will be asked if you want to configure advanced settings for hostd. Type no and hit enter to exit the configuration wizard.

Running hostd

Now that you have hostd successfully installed and configured, it is time to run it. Use the following command to start hostd:

cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support/hostd"

Once hostd has successfully started, the web UI should automatically open in your web browser.

If the hostd web UI does not open. You can access it by opening your browser and going to http://localhost:9980.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up hostd.

Upgrading hostd

It is essential to keep your host up to date. New versions of hostd are released regularly and contain bug fixes and performance improvements.

To upgrade your hostd to the newest version, make sure you have shut down hostd and then run the following:

brew upgrade siafoundation/sia/hostd

You can confirm you have upgraded to the latest version using the following command:

hostd version

Congratulations, you have successfully updated your version of hostd!

Last updated